
This lovely Victorian Queen Anne style house had enormous visual possibilities. The roof dormers, the tower, and the variety of shingle siding types called out for a period color scheme. The key in developing the color scheme was not to go overboard with too many colors, or to have too much contrast between the colors.

Formerly white towered Victorian in Massachusetts

This house is transformed back in time with colors from the late 19th century.  The differences in siding type and the distinction between the window sash and the trim are now fully realized. The colors were selected from a historic period paint brochure and translated into modern over-the-counter paint colors. The scheme is simply, yet it looks complex.

For example: white blobs on a black roof in the before picture, are now part of the entire color scheme of the house and present a pleasing and exciting focal point. The Victorians loved to highlight their roofs with dormers and colored slates with patterns.

Goal & Solution


The owners wanted anything but more white.  They were interested in making the house stand out, to “shine” among the homes in their town.


Historic period colors work well on homes with this much architectural detail. A warm gold and a period yellow/green were employed on the body. A period cream was applied to the trim and a Victorian era orange was painted on the windows and the accents.