Owner’s comments:

We received so many wonderful comments on the house colors, many from locals who didn’t know the house was even there when it was painted all white. Most people are completely knocked out! The color maps were  a tremendous help as we just turned them over to the painter saying”this is what we want.” We couldn’t be happier with the results!  Christina Towell Doll B&B

Bed & Breakfast make-over

Houses like this are fun to develop color schemes for. With so much detail and a chance to let all of it shine the colors can flow freely and the details and pop to catch to viewers eye. A commercial venture often needs to be more up-front with its colors to attract attention.

Goal & Solution


This house was painted all white and the owners wanted colors and detail that would attract attention and look like a place you might want to say overnight.


Historic period greens, yellows, and reds were tied together to highlight all the architectural features and make a statement for these new business owners.