Digital Images
Nearly everyone has some type of device that takes digital pictures – camera, phone or IPad/tablet. I employ digital images in the production of your color map pages.
You can send me the images via email [robs@umich.edu] or via on-line drop boxes and photo sharing sites. Images on a flash drive or a CD can be sent to: 3661 Waldenwood Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
See below for what sections and details of the building to photograph.
Emailing photo images
If you are using a phone or table to take your photos, simply email then to me at robs@umich.edu from your device. Some email programs automatically reduce the size of an attached image so that it comes to me very small. That function may have to be turned off in your email program.
Generally I need images that are 800K or larger. Alternatively you can send me a test email with several images attached and I’ll let you know the condition I receive them in. Very large emails on occassion don’t get past either your or our university servers, so don’t go over 15 megs in size for a single image.
1) all four sides of the house, as best as you can. I understand that this is not always possible, just do the best you can. Be sure to fill the viewing frame with the house and not to leave too much “white space” around the structure. If the house/building is large, take additional photos breaking it up into perhaps 2 or 3 smaller images so that the detail will show.
2) the large architectural items such as porches (front & back) gables, bays, dormers, and towers.
3) details such as the main entryway, other doors and a typical window.
4) special details such as bay windows, brackets and roof cornices and especially close-ups of details on porches – columns & spindles for example.
No need to “over photo” the building. I will request any additional images that may be needed.
The best photos of architecture show the details! Try to take the pictures on a cloudy day. If you live in the sunbelt or if the sun is out, make sure it is shining on the face of the part of the building you are photographing. Having a shadow over the surface conceals the details. With this in mind it may take a day or two, or photoing at different times during the day for you to be able to acquire the best lighting conditions. Don’t let the light issue stop you, send me what you have ,and we can work from there. Or, if you wish to edit your photos, Photoshop is a wonderful tool for fixing images.
CAD images, Blue Prints, and Drawings (New Construction & or additions)
I can employ CAD images, blue prints and elevation drawings for color placement in new construction projects. The best format is a Jpg or Pdf. All CAD programs can convert their files to those formats. Your architect or building contractor can easily make the files for you. Then just email them to me at Robs@umich.edu
If you have questions please email me, I’ll be happy to discuss any image issue you may have.