Welcome Oswego residents!
In cooperation with the Paint Oswego project, Historic House Colors is offering residents of the city of Oswego additional assistance with exterior building colors by providing these expanded services:
Four Special Offers
- Pre selected color scheme – exterior color placement.
- Additions and adjustments to a pre-selected color scheme
- Discounted full color service
- Additional services

Package 1
Pre selected color scheme – exterior color placement.
If you select one of the Paint Oswego available color schemes, Historic House Colors can assist you with the historically proper placement of the colors on your front house façade for $100*.
To participate, just email me a digital photo of the front of your house along with the number of the color scheme you selected plus your payment. I will label the image noting where all the colors should go, based on historical precedents, and send it back to you in an email.
Email digital image to robs@umich.edu
Payment can be made by credit card via PayPal by clicking on the button below or by sending a check to Robert Schweitzer, 3661 Waldenwood Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
When your project is completed, be sure to send me a photo so it can be posted online at the special Oswego section of the HHC web site.
Questions? Contact Rob at robs@umich.edu.
Package 2
Additions and adjustments to a pre-selected color scheme.
If you have selected one of the available color schemes and want to expand or alter it by adding or rearranging colors, HHC can provide with expertise. If, for example, you we thinking of switching the body and trim colors around, would that work or be appropriate? For $200* you can have 2 hours of consulting time to adjust your color scheme. This allows you to add in new historically appropriate colors for such items as window sash, porch details, floor and ceilings, as well as other architectural features.
Package 3
Discounted full color service
As an Oswego resident, in partnership with the Paint it program, you will receive $50 off a full building consulting service. This allows you to work from scratch with a wider selection of colors and color placement options to create a unique home such as those shown in the “Portfolio” section of Historic House Colors. For further information visit the full HHC website at: Historichousecolors.com
Option 4
Additional services
Historic House colors offers several additional low cost services that can assist you with the restoration of your house, garage and out buildings.
Roof Consulting:
This service will provide you with assistance to select the manufacturer, shingle style and color of roofing shingle to add to the overall building color scheme. This can be accomplished for both buildings with new colors schemes and existing ones. The fee is $100*
Porch consulting
This service will provide you with visual examples of period porches and porch details to assist in rebuilding, reconfiguring, or restoring damaged or removed porches. Examples will be provided from historic period sources such as plans books, builders’ manuals, and millwork catalogues of the period. These can then be adapted by your contractor or architect into the new porch design. The fee is $100*
Garage/outbuilding color consulting
If you own an outbuilding such as a carriage barn or free standing garage that requires new colors and or color placement, HHC can assist. Because of the varying complexity of each type of outbuilding the fee is determined after an initial free consultation and a quote will be provided. Generally fees range from $100 to $300*.
* A small credit card processing fee will be added to some of these transactions.