New Construction – Craftsman Home – Naperville, Illinois

The house looks great. The colors are outstanding and give the house a genuine feel for the Craftsman period. I haven’t met anyone that doesn’t like it! Great curb appeal!” Chuck Wilkins

This contemporary Arts & Crafts home represents the newest wave in house fashion – homes that have all the modern features yet have an architectural style that is reminiscent of the early twentieth century.  The home has a mix of siding types, both clapboard and shingles, as well as wide trim boards, stonework tapered columns on piers and knee brackets at the eaves – all features of Craftsman homes of Gustav Stickley.

New home – Old Colors

The large front porch provides a grand outdoor space on this house.  In the 19th century, the porch was just another room with carpets, lamps and furniture. A traditional Victorian blue ceiling was employed to make the space seem even larger.  The historic red trim was used on the porch gingerbread to separate it into viewable sections.



Goal & Solution


The goal here was to have the home look as much as possible like it was built circa 1915.


The color scheme was chosen to reflect the hues and tones of the Arts & Crafts era. An historic period gray was selected for the clapboards and coupled with a bronze for the shingle areas.  The trim choice was from a 1915 set of off-white options.